The Ocean hike

The best part of this hike, which is the longest on the Camøno, are sea and beaches as far the eye can see. The sea you are looking at is called Hjelm Bugt (Hjelm Bay). On a clear day, you can look over the sea to Germany. 

The cliff that follows the coastline here is the habitat of the sand lizard and the bank swallow. The swallow’s call is a soft, raspy “trrrsch” that sounds a bit like scratching on sandpaper. You might also see a peregrine falcon.

The Farming Museum
Museumsgården is built in and around a half-timbered, thatch-roofed, courtyard farmhouse in the town of Keldby­lille. You can spend the night here in a tent or a shelter.

Stege Nor (the Stege Lagoon)
Stege Nor is a shallow coastal lagoon with a narrow connection to the sea. 1,000 years ago, spiked poles were hammered into the lagoon’s inlet in a specific pattern, which only the residents of Møn knew to keep away intruders. The town of Stege is named after these spiked poles called ‘stiger’ in Danish.

Look out over the Lagoon
Stop, rest your legs, stay overnight in a shelter or fill your water bottle. Enjoy beautiful views over the Lagoon before heading on.

Tøvelde Stenen (The Tøvelde Stone)
Out in the water of Hjelm Bay is the Tøvelde Stone, which was probably carried here about 15,000 years ago during the last Ice Age. It is said that the stone turns every time it smells freshly baked bread, and if there is going to be bad weather, it makes a humming sound.  
Hvide Klint (White Cliff)
There is the opportunity to see the most amazing shapes, colours and patterns in sand, gravel, clay and chalk when the White Cliff is eroded after severe onshore storms.
Fanefjord Skov (Fanefjord Forest)
Along the water by Fanefjord Forest you can discover tall beech forests, where beech trees stand like columned halls overlooking the sea on top of the cliffs.
Hårbølle and the surrounding countryside
In the 1970s, groups from towns and cities moved to the countryside in the south. Artists, small producers and alternative initiatives have left their mark on West Møn.

Length 38.1 kilometres

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